Saturday, May 17, 2014 nike free run smwgz

Willingly a cover for a teammate to pass, so that people like that Michael Kors handbags outlet is a Steve Nash - the same race organizers, especially michael kors outlet online done everything for McGrady. Selfless, right, this is the only word to describe Bryant 's performance in this session of the All-Star race. However, who can anticipate to Bryant 's name turned out to be linked with the word selfless ? That All-Star game, Bryant shot only 11 times ( nike free run when the season, Bryant averaged 26.9 shot times, up nike air max a shot 46 times ), only scored 8 points ( this season, Bryant averaged 35.

In other words, the Madison got a game-high 36 points, got the hands from Bryant had scored 13 points. In each section of the game, Bryant was able to see McGrady michael kors sale unselfish passing shots. Among these, the two most exciting time in the game with 3 minutes 11 seconds left in the second quarter, Bryant was leisurely ball from behind the arc, found a loophole in the opponents defense, winking to Madison wink. The latter take the hint, suddenly throw off Carter rushed to the basket, Bryant throws the ball quickly, McGrady turned 180 degrees in the air and jumped up, grabbed the ball with his back to the rim and into the basket, this wonderful alley-oop to win the whole field cheers.

This also indicates that, once the Western Conference All- Star team to win the game, McGrady will likely win his own trophy 's first ray ban uk All-Star MVP. Bryant clearly know this, but michael kors outlet online also understand that this All-Star Game MVP honors is likely to make McGrady out of the unpleasant things happened at home and shadow rocket bad record, and regain confidence. To this end, Bryant will not only continue to spare no effort McGrady pass, but in the final critical moment - to come forward in the case of the West behind the eastern four points.

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