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Behind green ball of light began soaring rapidly, and soon will reach a diameter of ten meters away. Go to hell, hybrids - as soon as the old man thundered, huge green ball of light darting to the cavalry squad, with pressure from the powerful bursts, in so oppressive, those who fled the horses legs are also a soft, many are pitched as much down to the ground. Boom - light balls off the place, suddenly Jumping a smoke signals, mole people only feel a light hand, in the hands of subordinates bombers had been too fragmented, even so, that ball of light burst I still hit on Viagra the ghd nz sale back, terrible pain came, a vicious bite, the horse fell through momentum, scratching and scrambling to jump out.

Mole people ran back to thinking about fear. ghd hair straighteners And commoner fighters have also played against, so strong in the face, although there is no resistance, the commoner fighters attack was not so much power, so that the strength of the elderly, but also the absolute top fighters in the commoner. That is what order do ? Could it be...... embroidered fighter ? Ball of light burst smoke signals generated quickly filled the sky, screams sounded one after another. Long, smoke slowly dissipated, the ground no cavalry figure, remove the mole people spared faster than the rest of the strong body of cavalry dozen bombers have already been fragmented.

Alas, sin ah. The old man sighed, and did not pursue fleeing mole people, but the brontosaurus on the floor, palms place filled with dark green ripples. Yes, that ripples, ripples that aquamarine waves like ripples were scattered and open, slowly enveloped the nearby villagers. Strange that, with the green grudge invasion, those injured are feeling the powerful breath of life, even began to heal the wounds. After about half an hour, silver-haired old man slowly recovered vindictive, indifferent opening : ghd wounds have healed, but those who died, but it is not coming back to save, well buried it.


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