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Liu Gang, this is burberry handbags cousin Lin Lin, Haizhu Trade City Treasurer, who is Liu Gang, Pro Mountain County Public Security Bureau of Interpol brigade commander...... Zhai Lin Lin Yun was introduced three. burberry sale Called Xie Qin, Lin Lin temporary or boyfriend barely be a few people looking at burberry sale peer introductions, Lin Lin has been standing behind man walked forward, Xie Qin looked about thirty years old, body trim trim, has a strong force traces. Xie Qin, you are 7891 group three commander Liu Gang Xie Qin has long been noted, although he does not actually belong to 7891 group, but his first three months of boot camp, is in the 7891 group, a regiment commander for 7891, how much he still has some impression.

In 2090, when I was four Lian Liu Gang smiled. Four with...... you are a small...... hear four connected Xie Qin's mind is suddenly a tight, and quickly stretched out his hand, people can not understand, he forces the 7891 commander, how may not know, the whole regiment Only a four Lian, 7891 also were considered the elite of the elite, however, four with any one person, but it is not a little let burberry outlet these elite temper, I remember there was a company commander in the scout contest, it is also won the second place, but in connection with the contest and four consecutive defeat seven times, and to select the right projects and venues are in the hands of the commander, but, four did not even participate in any kind of contest of contest into four even, it was a 7891 mission every soldier's dream, but, only in four with only recruit training regiment, of course, 7891 Mission recruits, not the true sense of the recruits, but from the various units selected elite, four even, it is the elite of the elite, burberry sale and four with the contact is not much, so do not know how people even four, but Liu Gang was regarded as an exception, when Liu Gang, but significantly smaller than the average person The wins, even among the four, that's a bit conspicuous, but in fact, he has not recognized the Liu Gang, but Liu Gang's age, so he quickly link up with that child, and he Liu Gang almost call out the code.

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